- 自定義組合框類實現快速查詢
the Realization of Quick QueryUser-Defined Combo Box Class
- Maya C API開發自定義節點的簡易方法
A simplified method to develop user-defined Node of Maya based on C API
- 究竟能否自定義全部快捷鍵,目前還沒有確定。
The extent of the ability for remapping keys is still to be determined.
- 提高與最佳化了自定義掛網速度。
Improves and optimizes the speed of custom screening.
- DELPHI自定義事件的處理
To Deal with the Customed Event in Delphi
- 使用自定義形狀工具創建一個放大鏡的圖形。
Create a magnifying glass from custom shape tool
- DCS系統自定義描述型變數的擴展套用
The Expanded Application of Self-defined Descriptive Variable of DCS System
- 請在輸入框填入鍵值,並保存,自定義鍵盤OK.
Please fill in the input box keys, and preserve, customize keyboard OK.