拼音:zī běn zhǔ英文解釋:
【經】 proprietor中英例句:
- 他預言社會主義終將代替資本主義。He predicted that socialism will eventually succeed capitalism.
- 一些憤世嫉俗者認為體育不過是資本主義統治的工具而已。Some cynics say that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination.
- 社會主義比資本主義優越。Socialism is superior to capitalism.
- 資本主義世界經濟危機(1929~1933)world-wide crisis of capitalist economy in 1929~1933
- 香港徹底實行資本主義制度。In Hong Kong, we practice capitalism to the hilt.
- 鄧:要弄清什麼是資本主義。Answer: It depends on how you define capitalism.