拼音:zhù zā zài英文解釋:
quarter at相關對話:
- 軍隊的一翼駐紮在小山上。One wing of the army rested on the hills.
- 駐紮在當地村民家中的部隊。Troops quartered on the local villagers.
- 你們必須再派一些士兵駐紮在島上以防出亂子。You must station some additional men on the island in case of trouble.
- 我們所在的部隊,這時就駐紮在那裡。The unit in which we served was stationed there at the time.
- 軍隊的一翼駐紮在小山上。One wing of the army rested on the hills.
- 守備部隊駐紮在一部隊駐地的部隊The troops stationed at a military post