拼音:zhū wǎng英文解釋:
cobweb【醫】 arachn-; arachno-; spider-web
蜘蛛所織成的絲網,系由腹部腺體分泌粘液,通過紡織器小孔排出,暴露在空氣中變硬 >>查看“蛛網”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.spiderweb 2.spiderweb相關對話:
- 這張床上布滿了蜘蛛網,表明很久沒有人在上面睡過了。The bed is all cobweb, indicates no one has sleep in it for quite some time.
- 蜘蛛能用蜘蛛網抓住昆蟲。The spider can catch insects by cobweb.
- 似蜘蛛網的事物輕薄透明或易破碎的似蜘蛛網的東西Something resembling the web of a spider in gauziness or flimsiness.
- 腰穿及頭顱CT在診斷原發性蛛網膜下腔出血中的作用Use of the lumbar puncture and CT in diagnosis of primary SAH
- 細巧的蛛網delicate web of a spider
- 體香膏(或除臭劑?)上長滿蜘蛛網。Your deodorant stick has cobwebs on it.
- 掩蔽用或仿佛用蜘蛛網復蓋To cover with or as if with cobwebs.