拼音:zhù shǒu英文解釋:
【法】 begin相關詞條:
- 重點事項如缺房戶問題,要首先著手解決。Priority cases, such as homeless families, get dealt with first.
- 我覺得過度倚賴一家客戶會有危險,於是著手拓展客源。I sensed the danger inherent in over reliance on a single customer base.
- 我使我的孩子們著手去除草。I set my children to mow the lawn.
- 我覺得過度倚賴一家客戶會有危險,於是著手拓展客源。I sensed the danger inherent in over reliance on a single customer base
- 我應該怎樣著手尋找工作?How should I go about finding a job
- 我們著手進行有計畫的投資好嗎?Shall we proceed with the planned investment?