字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>灼的英文翻譯 “灼”的日文翻譯



bright; burn; luminous; scorch


灼 zhuó 燒,炙:灼熱。灼傷(燒傷)。焦灼。心急如灼。 明白透徹:真知灼見...


  1. 他被日光的傷後,皮膚開始脫落。
    He get sunburn and his skin begin to peel.
  2. 我口腔黏膜上的潰瘍有刺疼和燒疼,周期發作。
    I have prickly and burning ulcers in the mucosa, it happens periodically.
  3. 物質激:加熱一個物體或生物。
    Matter Agitation You heat a creature or object
  4. 炎炎赤日當頭烤著他們。
    The sun blazed down upon them with a crushing violence
  5. Nd:YAP雷射燒治療乾槽症
    Nd: YAP laser cauterization treatment of dry socket
  6. 她死於火災中所受的傷。
    She died of the burns that she received in the fire
  7. 焦碳一塊熱或炭化的固體燃料
    A glowing or charred piece of solid fuel.
  8. 遠火取暖,近火人。
    The fire which warm at a distance will burn us when near
