拼音:zhù jūn英文解釋:
(1) ∶駐紮軍隊(2) ∶駐紮在某地駐防的軍隊 >>查看“駐軍”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 在過去,這裡曾是有駐軍的要塞城鎮。In the old days this used to be a garrison town.
- 澳門駐軍實行人員輪換制度。The Macao Garrison practices a per-sonnel rotation system
- 在過去,這裡曾是有駐軍的要塞城鎮。In the old days this used to be a garrison town.
- 駐軍對於“經營”聞名古物未採取任何預防措施。Troops are doing nothing to prevent the "farming" of known antiquities.
- 駐軍香港。Stationing a Garrison in Hong Kong
- 在過去,這裡曾是有駐軍的要塞城鎮。In the old days this used to be a garrison town