字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>住房的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhù fáng de


【法】 tenemental; tenementary


  1. 管理公共住房的行政官員。
    a commissioner in charge of public housing
  2. 加大對中低收入階層住房的金融支持
    Enhancing Financial Support for Housing of Low-and-middle-income Class
  3. 那箇舊穀倉我們買下想改建住房的,實際上已經快塌了。
    The old barn we bought to convert into flats was practically tumbling down.
  4. 他不肯減少我們住房的租金。
    He won't reduce the rent of our house.
  5. 然後我們就進行大規模城市住房的建設。
    Then we went in for large scale construction of urban residential housing.
  6. 這地區對新住房的需求不斷增長。
    There is a growing need for new housing in this area
  7. 這種高薪加免費住房的條件十分誘人。
    This offer of a high salary and a free house is very seductive
  8. 您是申請貸款買房呢,還是想得到現款,先還掉現在住房的舊貸款呢
    Now, are you buying a house or are you refinancing your present home
