拼音:zhū duō英文解釋:
a good many中文解釋:
許多;多得難以應付諸多不便 >>查看“諸多”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 儘管諸多不便,我寧願住在這幢老房子裡,也不願住到那種狹小的平房裡,在那裡你連轉身的地方都沒有。I'd rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those pokey bungalows where you haven't room to swing a cat.
- 我看他一定經歷了政治上諸多明爭暗鬥才獲此高位。I gather a lot of political infighting went on before he got the top job.
- 旅途需要的時間取決於諸多不定因素,如路上交通的擁擠情況。The time of the journey depends on a number of variables, such as the amount of traffic on the road.
- 大家(對計畫的諸多變動)均感厭煩。Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan).