拼音:zhū de英文解釋:
porcine; swinish【醫】 porcine
- 有件襯衫上畫著豬的圖案。You own a shirt with a pig on it.
- 營養因素會影響豬的免疫應答Nutritional factors can influence immune response of swine
- 豬的優點在於肥壯,人的優點在於美德。The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue.
- 公豬的大腿(常做熏制處理)。thigh of a hog (usually smoked)
- 豪豬的帶刺甲冑a porcupine’s panoply of quills
- 北美和南美形似豬的夜間活動的群居野生動物。nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America.
- 仔豬的胎次、斷奶體重對仔豬斷奶後生長和死亡率的影響Origin,weight add to variation,mortality
- 可以食用的肥豬的小腸。small intestines of hogs prepared as food.