拼音:zhǔ chí huì yì英文解釋:
- 他請求王大叔主持會議。He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair
- 主持人主持會議,論壇或討論會的人One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate
- 主持會議。Chair a meeting
- (一)主持會議;(1) To preside over meetings;
- 你明天得主持會議。You are to chair the meeting tomorrow.
- 他應該學會如何主持會議。He should learn how to conduct a meeting
- 由你還是由我來主持會議?Will you chair the meeting or shall I?
- 蘇格蘭英國國教教會中主持會議的主教。the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland.