拼音:zhù cáng英文解釋:
hoard; reposit; store; stow; lay in【醫】 storage; store
(1).儲藏。 宋 蘇舜欽 《火疏》:“天下富庶,帑府流衍,無所貯藏,乃作斯宮... >>查看“貯藏”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.storage(tank) 2.stockage 3.reservoir 4.storeup 5.reserve 6.reposition 7.stowage 8.holding 9.squirrel 10.larder 11.fund相關對話:
- 可展示的,可保存的由於體積大小或包裝質量的原因而適於在柜子中貯藏或展示的Suitable for storage or display in a cabinet, as because of size or decorative quality.
- 穀倉,糧倉;牲口棚貯藏農產品或遮蓋牲畜的大型農舍A large farm building used for storing farm products and sheltering livestock.
- 酒類貯藏室貯藏酒的房間A room in which liquors are stored.
- 財富以金錢、珠寶或其它有價值的物品形式積聚或貯藏的財富Accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money, jewels, or other valuables.