拼音:zhú bù 英文解釋:
【醫】 Grad.; gradatim中文解釋:
一步步逐步加以解決逐步降低成本逐步提高知識分子待遇 >>
查看“逐步”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
stepwise 2.
stepwise 例句:
- 他身體在逐步好起來。
He is getting better by degrees.
- 他覺得自己在逐步走向死亡。
He saw himself dying by inches.
- 他將被逐步提升。
He will be promoted step by step.
- 減少尤指小規模或逐步增加者的減少
A decrease, especially a small or incremental one
- 他們逐步擴大在該地區的影響力。
They are building up their presence in the area.
- 逐步地,她把這些困難都不當一回事了。
Gradually she learned to make a joke of all these hardships
- 上了年紀的人視力逐步減退。
There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age.
- 教育是一個逐步發現自己無知的過程。(杜蘭特)
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance( W Durant)