拼音:zhuān zhù 英文解釋:
be absorbed in; devote one's mind to
專心注意;精神貫注心神專注 >>
查看“專注”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
absorption 2.
engrossment 中英例句:
- 一個電影明星自然是大眾專注目的對象。
A film star is naturally much in the public eye.
- 我很欣賞他對工作的極端專注。
I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.
- 侍從們出席會議並裝出專注的樣子。
The attendants attend the -eetsng and cucbaa retend to be attentive.
- 23年來,上海外服始終專注於人力資源戰略。
SFSC is focusing on the HR strategy for the past 23 years.
- 專注於文學批評的一種評論雜誌。
a review devoted to literary criticism.
- 引起或吸引注意力的;專注的
Arousing or holding the attention; absorbing.
- 要一次專注於一件事情。
Concentrate on one item at a time.