拼音:zhuǎn zhé diǎn英文翻譯
turning point【化】 break point
【經】 turning point
1.kickpoint 2.transitionlocation 3.turnbackplace 4.pivotalpoint 5.turnoverpoint例句
- 你很清楚合併是一個重要的轉折點。As you are well aware that a merger is a major turning point.
- 轉折點陰謀或戲劇化動作的轉折點The turning point in a plot or dramatic action.
- 這次爭辯將被作為運動的轉折點而被後人銘記A debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign.
- 我認為我們現在處在一個人類精神的轉折點,這就使我們開始看到一個解決偏見問題的途徑。I think we are now at one of the turning-point in the human spirit, and it enables us to begin to see a way out of the problem of prejudice.
轉折點的意思 ∶一個人在困難下讓步或局勢變得極端重要的時刻 ∶某些事件或某種形勢的發展經歷重要的方向性變化或質的變化的點詳細解釋事物發展過程中改變原來方向的時間。亦指事物發展過程中對改變原來方向起決定作用的事情。猜你喜歡
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