拼音:zhuān yuán英文解釋:
commissioner; person specially assigned for a job【法】 attache
(1) ∶專區的主要行政官員,由省、自治區人民政府委派(2) ∶負責專項業務工作... >>查看“專員”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.comissioner 2.commissioner 3.seniorofficer漢語造句:
- 在專員辦公樓前發生了一起大的爆炸事件。A tremendous explosion occurred at the Commissioner's building.
- 棒球協會專員A baseball commissioner
- 去年他非常樂意地出任了駐納米比亞的聯合國專員。He accepted last year to become the UN Commissioner in Namibia.
- 專區專員commissioner of a prefecture
- 申訴專員直接向行政長官負責,擔當監察政府的角色。The Ombudsman is directly responsible to the Chief Executive.
- 專員發出了對她的逮捕令。The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest