拼音:zhuǎn xué 英文解釋:
transfer; transfer to another school
學生從某一學校轉往另一學校學習跨地區轉學難 >>
查看“轉學”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
totransfertoanotherschool 相關對話:
- 奈德告訴我說,他已經轉學去另外一所學校了。
According to what Ned told me, he had transferred to another school.
- 她轉學到了一所新的學校。
She transferred to a new school
- 易三倉的學生有轉學國外的機會。
Au students have opportunities to study or transfer abroad.
- 她轉學到了一所新的學校。
She transferred to a new school .
- 如果您允許,我想申請轉學。
With your permission, I should like to put in for a transfer
- 他轉學到哈佛大學。
He has transferred to Harvard.
- 轉學會擾亂孩子的情緒嗎?
Will a change of schools unsettle the child?
- 如果您允許,我想申請轉學。
With your permission, I should like to put in for a transfer.