拼音:zhuàn wèi英文解釋:
dislocation; displacement; locomotion【化】 dislocation
移動(機器或工具機上夾持的工件),使得某個特定動作(如銑輪齒)每隔一定間隔重複進行... >>查看“轉位”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.toeindex 2.indexing 3.stationindex 4.transposition 5.metathesis 6.branch相關對話:
- 對臀先露不成功的針灸轉位Unsuccessful acupuncture conversion of bre-ech presentation
- 一種轉位角可調式間歇傳動裝置的研究Study on the Adjustable Indexing-Angle Intermittent Motion Device
- 什麼是大動脈轉位?What is transposition of the great arteries?
- 可轉位刀片加工1Cr18Ni9Ti的切屑處理研究Chip Disposal during Machining of 1Cr18Ni9Ti with Indexable Inserts
- 小腿有關肌腱轉位修復跟腱的生物力學評價Biomechanical evaluation on the shank tendon for Achilles tendon repai ring