拼音:zhuān wǎ英文解釋:
- 為泥瓦匠或磚瓦匠供應材料的人。a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers.
- 為泥瓦匠或磚瓦匠供應材料的人。a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers
- 這幢房子是木結構的磚瓦房。The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick
- 這個房子是木質結構的磚瓦房。The house has a wooden frame which is faced with brick
- 步驟五:給房頂加上類似磚瓦線條,使得畫面更豐富。Fifth Step:Add tile lines on roof,make house more ample.
- 磚瓦工行業The trade of a mason.
- 磚瓦鑑定Appraisal of Bricks and Tiles
- 磚瓦工行業The trade of a mason