拼音:zhuāng pèi xiàn英文解釋:
assembly line【經】 assembly line
1.productionline 2.assemblingline 3.production-lines相關對話:
- 機器人逐漸代替了裝配線上的工人。Robots are replacing people on assembly lines.
- 他在本地汽車製造廠裝配線上工作。He works on the assembly line at the local car factory.
- 由於安裝了新裝配線,生產量大大提高。The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed.
- 他在本地汽車製造廠裝配線上工作.He works on the assembly line at the local car factory
- 這是裝配線,它一天二十四小時都在運轉。This is our assembly line It operates 24 hours a day
- 我在汽車工廠裝配線上的工作頗為單調乏味。My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous.
- 另一個名叫亨利·福特的美國人萌發了裝配線的主意。Another American, Henry Ford, developed the idea of the assembly line.
- 裝配線就是一個極好的例子。The assembly line is a perfect example of this.