字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>裝配的英文翻譯 “裝配”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhuāng pèi


fit together; assemble; fitting; put together; rig
【計】 load line
【化】 ass'y; assemble; assembly; erection; fitting-on,fitting-out; fitting-up
making up; mounting; setting up
【經】 assembly; fishing


把不同的部件組合成一可以操作的整體 >>查看“裝配”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.puttogether  2.rigup  3.rigout  4.assembly(parts)  5.rig  6.assembled  7.erection  8.assembling  9.fittingup  10.montage  11.buildingup  12.fabricate  13.assemblage  14.mount  15.upfitter  


  1. 汽車常由機器裝配
    The assembly of cars is often done by machines.
  2. 機器人逐漸代替了裝配線上的工人。
    Robots are replacing people on assembly lines.
  3. 他在本地汽車製造廠裝配線上工作。
    He works on the assembly line at the local car factory.
  4. 組裝將生產的部件裝配在一起使之成為一個完整產品,如機器或電子線路板
    The putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product, such as a machine or an electronic circuit.
  5. 我不但在學習怎樣把一隻表拆開,而且在學習怎樣把它裝配起來。
    I'm learning how to put together a watch as well as how to take it apart.
  6. 他一塊一塊地裝配飛機模型。
    He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
  7. 由於安裝了新裝配線,生產量大大提高。
    The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed.
  8. 盒上印有裝配模型的簡要說明。
    Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.
