拼音:zhuāng mǎn de英文解釋:
replete; well-lined相關詞條:
1.well-lined 2.replenished 3.loaded 4.filling(material)中英例句:
- 裝滿裝滿的動作或事例An act or instance of filling.
- 但是能把儲蓄罐裝滿的只有屈指可數的幾個特別節儉的孩子。Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box
- 已裝滿的穀倉Granaries filled to plenitude.
- 但是能把儲蓄罐裝滿的只有屈指可數的幾個特別節儉的孩子。Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box.
- 裝滿裝滿的動作或事例An act or instance of filling.
- 一個裝滿的箱子A trunk filled to capacity.