拼音:zhuàng dà 英文解釋:
grow in strength中文解釋:
(1) ∶長大成人諸子壯大,未能以有室家。——王安石《上... >>
查看“壯大”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
getground 2.
grandness 3.
magnificence 4.
gainground 5.
gatherground 中英例句:
- 隨著時間的推移,社會主義的新生事物必然會不斷壯大。
The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
- 新政黨的壯大打破了力量的均勢。
The growth of the new political party upset the balance of power.
- 在規模、範圍、程度或力量上壯大的。
imposing in scale or scope or degree or power.
- 剃背是只擁有強壯大螯與致命毒刺的巨蠍。
Razer Tergum is a giant scorpion with strong chela deadly sting
- 一個國家不應該犧牲鄰國來壯大自己。
A country shall not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors
- 一個國家不應該犧牲鄰國來壯大自己。
A country shall not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors.