字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>助的英文翻譯 “助”的日文翻譯



aid; assist; help


助 zhù 幫助協同,輔佐:輔助。幫助。助手。助人為樂。助桀為虐。拔苗助長(z...


  1. 我們願意盡力幫你.
    We will do what we can to help you.
  2. 壓倒,使無法忍受影響如此之大以至於使無或無效力;壓倒
    To affect so strongly as to make helpless or ineffective; overwhelm.
  3. 如果你發現卡關的時候記得去翻翻冒險日誌,通常會給你帶來幫.
    Remember to check yours journal for help if you find yourself to be stuck.
  4. 餐館裡的飯菜一般比普通飯館的要便宜。
    Food in a cafeteria is usually cheaper than in a restaurant
  5. 一天,這個男孩找到丹麥王子去尋求幫
    One day the boy went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark
  6. 建立有效的評價體系,力求使計算機輔教學的發展規範化等。
    building effective evaluating system to standardize CAI development.
  7. 母親不反對保留一份工作來幫養家。
    Mother makes no bones about holding down a job to help support the family
  8. 可以幫控制糖尿病症狀的飲食。
    a diet designed to help control the symptoms of diabetes.
