拼音:zhōu wéi英文解釋:
about; all around; around; round; round about【醫】 amphi-; peri-; periphery
在中心點的四周周圍沒有一個人影 >>查看“周圍”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.roundabout 2.milieu 3.around 4.allround 5.allaround 6.About... 7.periphery 8.perimeter 9.entourage 10.circuit 11.setting(up) 12.enviroment 13.round 14.ambit 15.circumambience 16.circumambiency相關對話:
- 血液在她的膝蓋傷口周圍凝固了。The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee.
- 人們聚集在篝火周圍唱歌。The men clustered together round the fire and sang songs.
- 這棟房子周圍有幾個小男孩在晃蕩。There are several young boys loitering around the building.
- 我不願看到記者在我家周圍偷偷摸摸地走動。I don't want reporters skulking around my house.
- 他四處張望,要確定周圍沒人。He looked around to confirm that he was alone.
- 男孩在那周圍徘徊。The boy was wandering around.
- 周圍的農田漸漸變成了住宅區。Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential.
- 我沒有注意到周圍的事物。I was oblivious of my surroundings.