字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>周期的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhōu qī de


periodic; periodical
【計】 cyclic
【醫】 cyclic
【經】 periodic; periodical


1.periodical  2.cyclical  3.cyclic(al)  


  1. DOC-2基因對卵巢癌細胞周期的影響
    Effects of DOC-2 gene on cell cycle of human ovarian cancer cell
  2. 一類單周期的S_3~1(△_(mn)~((2)))插值
    A Certain Periodic Interpolating Spline of S_3~1(△_(mn)~((2)))
  3. 影響科研成果周期的因素分析
    Analysing the Factors that Affect the Achievement Cycle of Science Studies
  4. 年徑流序列周期的模糊假設檢驗與預測
    Prediction and Fuzzy Assumption Tests of Periods of Annual Runoff Series
  5. 基於月亮周期的曆法。
    a calendar based on lunar cycles.
  6. 進口/國產件準時交貨率和交貨周期的持續改進。
    Continual improvement on the BOF% and lead time.
  7. 面向報警處理生命周期的入侵回響管理系統
    Incident response management system based on alert life-circle
  8. 縮短UHP-DC爐冶煉周期的實踐分析
    Analysis on the Reduction of the Tap-to-tap Time of UHP-DC-EAF
