拼音:zhōu mò 英文解釋:
on the weekend; Saturday-to-Monday; weekend
原指星期六下班後到星期天晚,實行五天工作制後,指每周的最後兩天 >>
查看“周末”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
ontheweekend 2.
Saturday-to-Monday 3.
week-end 例句:
- 這個周末我們將去杭州旅行。
We shall make an excursion to Hangzhou this weekend.
- 我喜歡在周末做些劇烈運動。
I like to take some energetic exercise at weekend.
- 他喜歡在周末看滑稽劇來放鬆自己。
He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
- 來和我們一起度周末吧。
Come and spend the weekend with us.
- 他邀請我們到他鄉下的莊園去過一次打獵的周末。
He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.
- 你周末計畫做什麼?
What are your plans for the weekend?
- 你周末過得怎么樣?
How was your weekend?
- 為了多掙些錢,她在周末當家庭教師。
For extra money, she tutors on weekends.