拼音:zhōng zhǐ sù sòng英文解釋:
【法】 abatement of action; nol-pros; stop a case; suspend an actionsuspend proceedings; suspension in the action
- 中止訴訟的申請由利益相關方向法院或官員提交的書面通知,要求在傾聽提議人的意見前延緩訴訟程式of a proceeding until the filer is heard
- 中止訴訟申請提出中止訴訟手續的申請To enter a caveat.
- 針對遺囑檢驗提出的中止訴訟程式的申請。a caveat filed against the probate of a will.
- 中止訴訟申請提出中止訴訟手續的申請To enter a caveat
- 針對遺囑檢驗提出的中止訴訟程式的申請。a caveat filed against the probate of a will