字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>重整的英文翻譯


拼音:zhòng zhěng


【計】 reforming
【化】 reforming
【醫】 redintegration; reintegration
【經】 reconstruction


1.recapitalization  2.redintegration  


  1. 西爾斯百貨公司昨天宣布結束“大本”商品目錄(郵購業務)。 ... (這本目錄在鄉間美國家庭里與聖經並列已有九十七年。)作為公?em>局卣苹囊徊糠幀4送夤窘乇?13家分店,解僱5萬人。
    Sears, Roebuck& Company announced yesterday that it was pulling the plug on its "big book" catalogues, ... as part of an extensive revamping that will close113 of its stores and carve50,000 jobs from its payroll.
  2. 這幾年, 他們一直在努力地重整旗鼓。
    They've been trying to lick their wounds these years.
  3. ESD系統在催化重整中的套用
    The Application of ESD in Catalytic Reforming Unit
  4. 脫氯劑在重整裝置的套用
    Application of Anti-chlor to CCR
  5. 我想重整我的磁碟。
    I want to defragment my disk.
  6. 1.0Mt/a連續重整裝置的運行
    Operation of the First 1.0 Mt/a CCR Unit in China
