拼音:zhòng yā英文解釋:
press; weigh中文解釋:
沉重的壓力樹枝經不起雪堆的重壓,終於折斷了 >>查看“重壓”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.repressing 2.repress 3.oppress 4.deadmilling例句:
- 地板在重壓下坍了下去。The floor gave way under the weight.
- 人們在賦稅的重壓下受折磨。The people groaned under the load of taxes.
- 屋頂在積雪重壓下塌陷。The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow .
- 使負擔或受壓迫;重壓To burden or oppress; weigh down.
- 在長期重壓下而引起疲憊。exhausted as a result of long-time stress.
- 架子在重壓下坍掉了。The frame folded up under the heavy weight.