拼音:zhòng xīn zhèn zuò 英文解釋:
- 她一生中經歷過許多挫折,然而總是能重新振作起來。
She's had many misfortunes in her life but she always bounces back.
- 下午喝杯咖啡有助於我重新振作起精神來。
Drinking a cup of coffee in the afternoon helps revive my spirit
- 他做代數做厭了,但過了一會兒,他重新振作起精神,又開始興致勃勃地做起來。
began to enjoy it
- 下午喝杯咖啡有助於我重新振作起精神來。
Drinking a cup of coffee in the afternoon helps revive my spirit.
- 當我們重新振作精神的時候就能繼續背負著壓力前進。”
When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.
- 我希望他們能夠重新振作,迅速反彈,因為今天的失利是有失尊嚴的。
I hope they can bounce back, because this was an ego-deflating loss.