字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>鐘塔的英文翻譯


拼音:zhōng tǎ


belfry; bell tower


  1. 鐘樓,鐘塔尤指靠近教堂或其它公共建築但並不與之相連的鐘塔
    A bell tower, especially one near but not attached to a church or other public building.
  2. "一位在鐘塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆掛在一根指針上,把鍾弄慢了。"
    A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
  3. 有以百葉窗遮蔽的鐘塔和尖頂的教堂;裝了綠色百葉窗的小別墅。
    a church with a shuttered belfry and spire; green-shuttered cottages
  4. 一座獨立式鐘塔;獨立產科診所
    A freestanding bell tower; a freestanding maternity clinic
  5. 獨立式的鐘塔;帶獨立式的車庫的住宅。
    a freestanding bell tower; a house with a separate garage
  6. 坐七路公共汽車,在鐘塔下車。
    Take a number 7 bus and get off at the Bell Tower
