字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>重任的英文翻譯 “重任”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhòng rèn


important task
【電】 heavy duty


大任;要職;重要工作肩負重任 >>查看“重任”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我不明白經理為什麼讓一個如此心不在焉的人擔此重任
    I don't know why the manager offered that important job to such an absent-minded person.
  2. 她被委以重任
    She was charged with an important mission.
  3. 我相信你一定能勝任新職,因為你是一個能當重任的人。
    I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on.
  4. 付託重任
    charge sb. with a heavy responsibility
  5. 膺此重任
    hold a post of great responsibility
  6. 身為八個孩子的父親,他清楚自己重任在肩。
    The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife.
  7. 這樣,救國重任就落在廣大民眾肩上。
    Thus the task of saving the nation fell upon the broad masses.
  8. 擔當重任
    take on heavy responsibilities
