拼音:zhōng gào 英文解釋:
advice; counsel; monition; rede; remonstrance; remonstration; sincere advice
(1) ∶誠懇地勸告忠告他們避免魯莽行動(2) ∶也指忠告的話不聽忠告 >>
查看“忠告”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
counsel 2.
expostulate 3.
exhort 4.
monition 5.
rede 6.
remonstration 7.
tenderadvice 8.
remonstrance 9.
recommend 10.
dehortation 11.
expostulation 12.
advising 13.
soundadvice 14.
counsell 15.
hortation 16.
giveadvice 相關對話:
- 我希望這個孩子能夠好好考慮一下老師給他的明智的忠告。
I wish this boy would lay to heart the wise counsels his master has given him.
- 我會永遠記得你的忠告。
I'll always remember your advice.
- 他不僅給我忠告,還幫助我。
He gave me advice, and help as well.
- 她依靠她的丈夫獲得忠告。
She leans on her husband for advice.
- 要不是你的忠告,我會失敗的。
But for your advice, I should have failed.
- 我給了他忠告,而不是錢。
I gave him advice instead of money.
- 我接受你的忠告。
I'll take your advice.