拼音:zhòng fēng英文解釋:
apoplexy; palsy; stroke【醫】 apoplexia; apoplexy; cataptosis; coup de sang; theoplegia
中醫病症名。多由腦血管栓塞或發生血栓、腦溢血等引起。初起時突然頭痛、眩暈。短時間... >>查看“中風”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 在試驗開始時點心房顫動和中風之間可觀察到顯著相關。A significant association was obsered between AF and stroke at baseline
- 第三部分將風險管理融入一體化管理體系中,討論一體化管理體系中風險管理的步驟;The third part discusses the step of risk management in the Q.
- 中風的,瀕於中風的Having or inclined to have apoplexy.
- 中藥治療出血性中風的初步套用(以破血化瘀為主)Application of Herbal Treatment in Hemorrhagic Apoplexy
- 在隨訪中,472人發生了缺血性中風。During follow-up, there were 472 incident ischemic strokes.
- 血流在腦的某一部分受阻時就發生中風。A stroke occurs when the blood flow to a section of the brain stops.
- 這之後才兩星期,她卻因突如其來的中風而接受特別護理。Two weeks later, she was in intensive care following a sudden stroke
- 他因患中風而致半身不遂.The stroke left him paralysed on one side of his body.