拼音:zhòng fá英文解釋:
【法】 severe penalty中文解釋:
亦作“ 重罸 ”。嚴厲懲罰。《韓非子·奸劫弒臣》:“夫嚴刑重罰者,民之所惡也,... >>查看“重罰”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這么壞的人受重罰是應該的。It is proper that such a bad man be punished severely.
- 超速行駛是嚴重的違規行為,會被嚴重罰款。Speeding is a serious offence resulting in high fines
- 我會讓你為這件事而受重罰。I will make you smart for this.
- 這么壞的人受重罰是應該的。It is proper that such a bad man be punished severely
- 違規駕車者會遭到重罰。Heavy fines were levied on motoring offenders.