拼音:zhōng ěr yán英文解釋:
tympanitis【醫】 otitis media; tympanitis
以疼痛、發熱、眩暈及聽力異常為特徵的中耳的炎症 >>查看“中耳炎”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 發燒或上呼吸道感染反映提示中耳炎可能。Reports of fever or URI suggest possible otitis media.
- 微波治療滲出性中耳炎的療效觀察Therapeutic Observation of Microwave Therapy forExudative Otitis Media
- 慢性化膿性中耳炎的高分辨CT診斷價值Diagnostic value of high resolution CT in chronic suppurative otitis media
- 呼吸道病毒中耳感染與分泌性中耳炎發病的相關性研究Infection of Respiratiory Viruses and Secretony Otitis Media
- 氧氟沙星與氯黴素滴耳液治療化膿性中耳炎的比較Ofloxacin vs chloramphenicol in treatment of suppurative otitis media
- 您患了急性中耳炎和乳突炎。You have suffered from acute infection of the middle ear and mastoid.
- 兒童慢性化膿性中耳炎126耳分析Analysis of chronic suppurative otitis media in 126 ears of children
- 慢性化膿性中耳炎的螺鏇CT檢查(附74例93耳分析)The Application of Spiral CT in Chronic Otitis Media