字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>重的英文翻譯



again; layer; repeat; scale; weight
【計】 repetitive group
【醫】 hyper-; weight; wt.


1.massiveness  2.weightiness  3.weightily  4.serious  5.repitition  6.weight  7.heaviness  8.bi-  9.heavy(-load)  10.heftiness  11.weigh  12.massivefragment  13.scale(pan)  


  1. 送小孩上學的擔又推給了我!
    I got saddled with taking the children to school again!
  2. 有些罪犯被釋放後有可能新犯罪。
    Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.
  3. 想到還需新考試,我就感到沮喪
    The thought of having to take the exam again depressed me.
  4. 這起車禍是三星期前在這裡發生過的車禍的演。
    This accident is a repetition of the one that happened here three weeks ago.
  5. 囚犯們希望自由
    The prisoners wish to be free again.
  6. 偶然的相遇使兩位老朋友聚首
    A chance meeting brought the two old friends together again.
  7. 這把斧頭不好用。
    The heavy axe was awkward to use.
  8. 我在擊劍時用的是把劍。
    I use a heavy sabre in fencing.


重的意思 重 ò 分(坣 )量較大,與“輕”相對:重負。重荷。重量(刵 )。重力。舉重。負重。 程度深:重色。重病。重望。重創。 價格高:重價收買。 數量多:重金聘請。眉毛重。重兵。 主要,要緊:重鎮。重點。重
