拼音:zhǐ zé英文解釋:
censure; rebuke; reflect; throw stones at【法】 accuse; arrect; censure; impugn; reprobate; reprobation; reprove
take to task
指出過失並責備;指摘對於所得收入不是根據公平原則的指責 >>查看“指責”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.throwstonesat 2.rebukefor 3.rebuke 4.reproval 5.reprehension 6.taxwith 7.dispraise 8.take...totask 9.comeinforblame 10.censure 11.impugn 12.gocrookon 13.exclaimagainst 14.fault 15.gocrookat 16.reproof例句:
- 她做出了這種事因而受到嚴厲的指責。She was roundly rebuked for what she had done.
- 批評政府政策的人指責反犯罪活動新措施,認為純粹是為掩蓋過錯而制定的。Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
- 他指責那些批評他的作品的人是對藝術一竅不通。He accused those who criticized his work of being philistines.
- 我們憑什麼指責他呢?Whereby shall we find fault with him?
- 報紙指責政府的行動。The newspapers exclaimed against the government's action.
- 他們被指責為叛徒。They were censured as traitors.
- 這名參議員因逃避繳納所得稅而受到指責。The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
- 這本書受到批評家的指責。The book was damned by the critics.