拼音:zhí yuán英文解釋:
employee; official; operative; personnel; staff member【經】 functionary; office-clerk; officers' bonus; officers' salaries
擔任行政和業務工作的人員在一家公司里當個小職員 >>查看“職員”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 我們一年到頭都有新進職員。All year round we get new members of staff coming in.
- 電流發出的嗡嗡聲讓這位辦公室職員快崩潰了。The hum of mains electricity is causing this gentleman some discomfort.
- 那個職員被提升到經理職位。The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.
- 這個小職員不敢得罪他的老闆。The petty clerk was afraid of offending his boss.
- 職員:對不起,您的姓名和帳號是什麼?Clerk: Excuse me, but may I ask your name and account number?
- 有些職員開始抱怨新任的總經理。Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president.
- 我們從本地招所有的餐廳職員。We recruit all of our restaurant staff locally.
- 職員從他的帳簿上抬起頭來。The clerk looked up from his tally-book.