拼音:zhì yì 英文解釋:
present one's compliment; compliment; salute
(1) ∶向人表達真實的心意拘於俗之眾,不足與致意(2) ∶表示問候之意他向主席... >>
查看“致意”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
salutational 2.
remembrance 3.
remember 4.
wave 5.
ciao 6.
touchone'shat 7.
regards 8.
waveMew 9.
salutation 例句:
- 請代為向令兄致意。
Please give/send my regards to your brother.
- 他在街上向我親切地揮手致意。
He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.
- 如果你碰巧見到他,請代我向他致意。
Should you happen to see him, please give him my regards.
- 他們舉起帽子互相致意。
They saluted each other by raising their hats.
- 他舉起帽子致意。
He raised his hat in salutation.
- 如果你萬一見到他,請代我向他致意。
If you should happen to see him, please give him my regards.
- 如果你見到他,請代我向他致意。
If you should see him, please give him my regards.