拼音:zhī xìng英文解釋:
知道人的本性。《孟子·盡心上》:“盡其心者,知其性也,知其性則知天矣。” 焦循... >>查看“知性”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 理性,知性與感性相對的理性和知識Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.
- 知性邏輯與理性邏輯logic of understanding and logic of reason
- 先天知性形式forms of understanding a priori
- 論英文五種基本句式的認知性On Cognitive Character of the Five Basic English Patterns
- 一個既感性又知性的女人!A woman who is sensible and intellectual!
- 世界可知性knowability of the universe
- 保留感情上的或者知性上的聯繫。to remain emotionally or intellectually attached.