拼音:zhī wú 英文解釋:
equivocate; falter; haw; hesitate; stall; trip
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查看“支吾”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
trip(gear) 2.
hesitate 中英例句:
- 支吾在講話中停頓或結巴
A pause or faltering in speech.
- 他支支吾吾地說他並無惡意。
He faltered out that he meant no harm.
- 他不但不承認,反而支吾其詞。
Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate.
- 被要求在人群中出現時他支吾起來。
He hemmed and hawed when asked to address the crowd.
- 支吾言語或行動的猶豫
Unsteadiness in speech or action.
- 他講到一半,就支支吾吾起來。
When he’s midway through,he ticked over.
- 好啦,親愛的。你不許再這樣支支吾吾啦!
Now listen,darling. None of your quibbling!
- 在表演中的表演者支支吾吾。
The performer faltered in the middle of the show.