拼音:zhǐ wén英文解釋:
dactylogram; fingerprint; prints【醫】 dactylogram; fingerprint
手指的紋理,也指它的印跡 >>查看“指紋”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.finger-print 2.fingermark 3.superficialvenuleofindexfinger 4.fingerprint相關對話:
- 小偷在把手上留下了指紋。The thief had left his prints on the handle.
- 偵探把這個人槍上的指紋與保險箱上的指紋聯繫起來,便知道他就是盜賊。The detectives tied in the fingerprints on the man's gun with those found on the safe, so they knew that he was the thief.
- 他擦掉自己留在手槍上的指紋。He wiped the revolver clean of his fingerprints.
- 這些指紋與檔案上的完全符合The fingerprints checked with the ones on file.
- 她在槍上留下的指紋就是她犯罪的確鑿證據。Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.