拼音:zhì tóu zǐ 英文解釋:
crap; dice; shake the elbows; throw中文解釋:
見“ 擲骰 ”。 >>
查看“擲骰子”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
playatdice 2.
shootdice 3.
taste 4.
shooktheelbows 5.
throwthedice 6.
shakentheelbows 7.
cubecutdice 8.
tothrowthedice 相關對話:
- 十五子棋戲供兩個人玩的木板遊戲,通過擲骰子來決定棋子移動的步數
A board game for two persons, played with pieces whose moves are determined by throws of dice.
- 輪到你擲骰子了。
It's your turn to throw the dice.
- 用騙人手段擲骰子
cog a die
- 贏擲擲骰子賭博時獲勝的一擲
A winning throw of the dice in craps.
- 贏擲擲骰子賭博時獲勝的一擲
A winning throw of the dice in craps
- 擲骰子得到兩點
A cast of dice totaling two.
- 擲骰子得到兩點
A cast of dice totaling two