拼音:zhì táng英文解釋:
refine sugar中文解釋:
將製糖原料(如甜菜、甘蔗)經過一系列加工過程(如提淨、碳化、經骨炭或活性炭過濾和... >>查看“製糖”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 可以幫助控製糖尿病症狀的飲食。a diet designed to help control the symptoms of diabetes.
- 她在一家製糖廠工作。She works in a sugar refinery
- EFF和EFY能有效控製糖尿病小鼠的血糖水平,維持正常代謝,對正常血糖小鼠無影響;However,the serum glucose level of the control mouse did not changed.
- 製糖技術史history of sugar making technology
- 大塊的、圓錐形的濃縮精製糖。a large conical loaf of concentrated refined sugar.
- 大塊的、圓錐形的濃縮精製糖。a large conical loaf of concentrated refined sugar