拼音:zhì shǐ 英文解釋:
cause; lead; render; result中文解釋:
導致;因…造成由於過分疲勞,致使工作出了差錯 >>
查看“致使”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
render 2.
result 3.
occasion 4.
lead(pb) 5.
bringabout 漢語造句:
- 長期罷工損失巨大致使該公司一蹶不振。
The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company's coffin.
- 飛機猛然俯衝致使駕駛員昏厥。
The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out.
- 他在股票上做投機買賣致使他自殺。
His speculations in stocks led to his suicide.
- 由於地址字跡不清,致使信件無法投遞。
It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible.
- 他言行一致使我很滿意。
The correspondence of his deeds with his words gave me great satisfaction.
- 我走得太快,致使他筋疲力竭。
I walked so fast that I tired him out.
- 交通事故致使許多車輛阻塞了街道。
The accident caused many vehicles to back up along the street.