拼音:zhǐ shì英文解釋:
indication; denotation; designation; prescription【醫】 indicate; indication; poinling
【經】 directing
(1) ∶指明,顯示璧有瑕,請指示王。——《史記&mid... >>查看“指示”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pointing 2.instruction 3.indication 4.makesuggestions 5.indicating 6.prescribe 7.prescription 8.directive 9.direction 10.denote 11.denotation 12.designation 13.indicate 14.indicatrix 15.indicates例句:
- 一直朝著這個方向走就看見指示牌了。Continue in this direction until you see a sign.
- 我認真地按指示辦事。I followed the instructions religiously.
- (你)抵達旅館後,請聽候進一步指示。On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
- 拐彎之前別忘記指示車行方向。Don't forget to indicate before turning.
- 他給我們做了非常明確的指示。He gave us very specific instructions.
- 沒有任何指示,我只能按我認為最好的方法去做了。Failing instructions I did what I thought was best.
- 依照你的指示我去了那個地方。I went to the place in conformity with your instructions.