字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>指使的英文翻譯 “指使”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhǐ shǐ


incite; instigate


(1) ∶指揮;支使任憑機遇指使,漫無目的地行動(2) ∶煽動某人去做某事指使人... >>查看“指使”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 惱羞成怒成怒的丈夫們在圖絲太太的指使下,把傑克打翻在地。
    Ashamed into anger and at the instigation of Mrs.Tooth, the outraged husbands attached Jack.
  2. 你要知道,我是不會聽你指使的。
    I'm not at your beck and call, you know.
  3. 什麼人指使軍隊去殺?
    Who gave them the order to kill?
  4. 你有什麼權力指使我做事?
    What gives you the right to tell me what to do ?
  5. 說三種語言的人能夠使用三種語言的人,尤指使用三種語言的流利程度相同
    A person who is able to use three languages, especially with equal fluency.
  6. 指使小雞關節部分脫離。
    separate at the joints, as of a chicken
  7. 棚架為…搭棚架,尤指使(葡萄藤)攀援在棚架上
    To provide with a trellis, especially to train(a vine) on a trellis
