拼音:zhì qiàn英文解釋:
- 請代我向你夫人致歉,我很遺憾沒能參加她的生日聚會。Make my excuse to your wife, I am sorry to miss her birthday party.
- 代我向約翰致歉,沒去聽他講課。Give my excuse to John for missing his lecture.
- 請代我向他們致歉。Please offer/give them my excuses.
- 他深表懊悔地致歉。He made a contrite apology
- 不能奉約, 謹致歉意。Please accept my apologies at having to refuse.
- 有禮貌的致歉a graceful apology
- 代我向約翰致歉,沒去聽他講課。Give my excuse to John for missing his lecture.
- 史密斯先生向客人草草致歉然後匆忙離開房間。Mr. Smith sketched excuses to his guest and left the room hurriedly.